Senin, 21 Februari 2011

10 Palace grandest and most beautiful in the world

1. Mohatta Palace, Karachi, Pakistan

2. King’s Palace, Thailand

3. The Palace of Justice, Malaysia

4. Crystal Palace, London, England

5. Palace of Versailles, France

6. Bucaco Palace, Portugal

7. Sultan Qabous palace, Muscat

8. Blue Palace, Greece

9. Taj Mahal, India

10. Chateau de Versailles, France

Minggu, 20 Februari 2011

Global Warming Boost Bacteria and Toxic Algae

WASHINGTON - Scientists from the United States (U.S.) warned global warming could spur the growth of toxic algae and bacteria in the waters of the world.

The results showed that climate change is making sea and other waters of the region increasingly vulnerable to the growth of algae. In addition, climate change also allows harmful bacteria and germs to breed.

That is the opinion of some scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said the Straits Times, Sunday (02/20/2011).

In one study, NOAA ocean modeling in the future and weather patterns to predict the effects of Alexandrium catenella growth which can be found in shellfish. These bacteria can harm people who like eating seafood, including the resulting paralysis.

"Our projections indicate, at the end of the 21st century, the growth (bacteria and algae) can be increased in two months early and continues until one month after that," says Stephanie Moore, one of the researchers who worked on this study.

However, the impact it could all be so will be felt before the end of the 21st century, namely in 2040.

"I think we will see an increase kamilaksanakan signikan from studies in Puget Sound, and environments with the same risks in the next 30 years, or even the next decade,"concludes Moore.

source  : okezone

For 4 Year Men This Save Knife in the Head

BEIJING - A Chinese patient who complained of head pain and sensory perasanya disturbed. Upon inspection it turns out her store along the four-inch knife, or approximately 10 centimeters, embedded in his face.

When investigated, Li Fu was not aware there was a knife embedded in his face for four years. It is estimated that the knife was planted when he was experiencing incidents of robbery, while working a taxi driver.

Xu Wen doctor who examined the condition of Li Fu Yu of Xi City Hospital stated, "we were surprised to see that long knife embedded in his face."

"Even we were more surprised to learn knife blade had been embedded in over four years. Seeing him live safely is very impressive," said Dr Xu was quoted as saying Orange, on Thursday (02/17/2011).

After undergoing surgery, health improvement center Li unknown. The knife was known to have pressed the root of tongue, muscle and a small part of his brain. The operation lasted even hard for four hours

source  : okezone

Singpore Top 5 Museum wow

Fashionistas and shopaholics have been trooping to Singapore for years, lured by its many shopping malls that offer every brand, and labels that fulfill the (shopaholics') hearts' desires. But while I do enjoy shopping, I don't relish the idea of going to penury just to pay for a huge credit card bill. There are other ways of enjoying Singapore.So instead of heading to the malls, I often go to Singapore's museums.They are the best in Asia, benefiting not only from the government's vast resources (this wealthy country is competing with Hong Kong to be Asia's art center) and the the city's state fondness for organization and efficiency. That may be boring, but it has nevertheless produced well curated art spaces. All of Singapore's museums are accessible through public transport, air-conditioned, and have wheelchair accessible facilities, restrooms and souvenir shops.Best of all, given that Singapore is one of Asia's most expensive cities, . And some days, you can even go to the museums for free!So when you're in Singapore, try visiting:

1. The Peranakan Museum
The only museum that showcases the arts and culture of a distinct ethnic group that was shaped and continues to influence Southeast Asia. The Peranakan, which means "locally-born" in the Malay language, usually refers to the descendants of Chinese traders who settled in the straits Settlements of Singapore, Malacca and Penang in the 14th century and married Malay women. The Peranakans also include those who descended from unions between Indian merchants and local women during the 15th century. This intermarriage produced a fusion of cultures, and is reflected in the colorful cuisine, architecture and fashion that form the multicultural mix of Singapore and Malaysia.

2. Singapore Art Museum (SAM)
With over 7,000 Southeast Asian pieces of artwork in its permanent collection, SAM stands as the region's repository of visual art. The collection includes paintings, sculptures, multimedia installations, drawings, prints and photographs – eye candy for those who can't get enough of modern and contemporary art.

3. National Museum of Singapore
This is custodian of the 11 National Treasures – the most important artefacts in Singapore's history. It includes the Last Will and Testament of Munshi Abdullah, the Father of Modern Malay literature, the 1930's era Chinese glove puppet theater stage and a collection of watercolor paintings of local floral and fauna commissioned by William Farquhar, the First Resident of colonial Singapore.Visitors interested in Singapore's history should also go to the museum's Four Living Galleries – a showcase of artefacts, replicas, pictures, costumes and even old films that document the history of Singapore fashion, performing arts, photography and cuisine.

4. Asian Civilisations Museum (ACM)
This is a must see for those who want to backpack around Asia. A visit to the ACM is like going through a crash course on Asian studies. It is the only museum that's dedicated to present artifacts and collections representing different regions of Asia including China and the Middle East.

5. Singapore Philatelic Museum
The museum that appeals to the child in us, as who after all didn't have a stamp collection when they were kids? The museum's collection includes stamps and archival philatelic material of Singapore from the 1830's to present day. The museum also encourages philately in Singapore, with its permanent galleries not only dedicated to the global history of stamps, but also organizes workshops and talks on how stamps chronicle Singapore's history.

Birthday Gift Ideas For Your Boyfriend

Whether you and your boyfriend have been dating for three months or three years, he deserves to have a wonderful present from you whenever he celebrates his birthday.

Well-thought out gifts are always a great way to show your affection and love for your boyfriend. Some men may not be as open emotionally as women, but your boyfriend surely could not resist giving you a kiss or a hug in exchange of all the time and effort that you put into finding the perfect birthday present for him.

Here are some great and romantic gift ideas to give the most special man in your life on his birthday:

1. Something romantic.

A birthday present does not always have to be something expensive. Be creative in thinking of a romantic birthday gift for your boyfriend. If he has always given you flowers before, why don't you return the favor by giving him a dozen red roses? It will make him remember you as the only girl who ever gave him roses for his birthday.

A little effort would go a long way, too. Cook him his favorite dish and invite him over for a romantic picnic or dinner. Bake him a birthday cake, invite his friends over and surprise him with a birthday party.

Shower him with love notes, or make his entire day special by giving him a different gift in the morning, noon and at night. Be creative in thinking of something fun, romantic and special to give him a birthday that he is not likely to forget.

2. Something that he wants.

If your special someone is into gadgets, give him that game gadget or music player that he is always talking about. If he is a car enthusiast, get him a great car accessory. Or, rent a sports vehicle or his dream car for him to drive on his birthday. Go out and spend a day indulging in the sport that he just loves.

3. Something naughty.

Glow-in-the-dark boxer shorts are a sure-fire way to tickle his fancy. An intimate yet funny gift will remind him of the intimate moments that you shared together as a couple.

4. Something nice and traditional.

A gift basket with all the things that he likes on one delightful package also makes for a great birthday present for your boyfriend's birthday. A basketful of chocolates or wine is a wonderful birthday present.

If he is an executive, get him an expensive tie, cute cuff links or a nice wristwatch. Give him a set of his favorite cologne, perfume and aftershave. If he loves sailing, get him an antique compass that he can use.

5. Something that says "I love you."

You can literally give him an item with the message of how you feel. Give him a keychain for his car and house keys with an engraved message. Even small items like this would make your boyfriend feel special.

Remember that it is not always the cost that counts when giving out presents for your boyfriend on his birthday.

A well-thought out gift that would remind your boyfriend of how special he is to you will send out the right message on his birthday.

Birthday Gift Ideas For Your Boyfriend

Whether you and your boyfriend have been dating for three months or three years, he deserves to have a wonderful present from you whenever he celebrates his birthday.

Well-thought out gifts are always a great way to show your affection and love for your boyfriend. Some men may not be as open emotionally as women, but your boyfriend surely could not resist giving you a kiss or a hug in exchange of all the time and effort that you put into finding the perfect birthday present for him.

Here are some great and romantic gift ideas to give the most special man in your life on his birthday:

1. Something romantic.

A birthday present does not always have to be something expensive. Be creative in thinking of a romantic birthday gift for your boyfriend. If he has always given you flowers before, why don't you return the favor by giving him a dozen red roses? It will make him remember you as the only girl who ever gave him roses for his birthday.

A little effort would go a long way, too. Cook him his favorite dish and invite him over for a romantic picnic or dinner. Bake him a birthday cake, invite his friends over and surprise him with a birthday party.

Shower him with love notes, or make his entire day special by giving him a different gift in the morning, noon and at night. Be creative in thinking of something fun, romantic and special to give him a birthday that he is not likely to forget.

2. Something that he wants.

If your special someone is into gadgets, give him that game gadget or music player that he is always talking about. If he is a car enthusiast, get him a great car accessory. Or, rent a sports vehicle or his dream car for him to drive on his birthday. Go out and spend a day indulging in the sport that he just loves.

3. Something naughty.

Glow-in-the-dark boxer shorts are a sure-fire way to tickle his fancy. An intimate yet funny gift will remind him of the intimate moments that you shared together as a couple.

4. Something nice and traditional.

A gift basket with all the things that he likes on one delightful package also makes for a great birthday present for your boyfriend's birthday. A basketful of chocolates or wine is a wonderful birthday present.

If he is an executive, get him an expensive tie, cute cuff links or a nice wristwatch. Give him a set of his favorite cologne, perfume and aftershave. If he loves sailing, get him an antique compass that he can use.

5. Something that says "I love you."

You can literally give him an item with the message of how you feel. Give him a keychain for his car and house keys with an engraved message. Even small items like this would make your boyfriend feel special.

Remember that it is not always the cost that counts when giving out presents for your boyfriend on his birthday.

A well-thought out gift that would remind your boyfriend of how special he is to you will send out the right message on his birthday.

Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011

Jepang Berniat Kirim Robot Twitter ke Luar Angkasa

TOKYO - Astronot yang merasa kesepian di stasiun luar angkasa kini bisa bergembira, menyusul rencana Jepang untuk mengirimkan robot Android.

Robot ini bukan sembarang robot, karena dia juga bisa mengirimkan tweet, demikian dilansir Straits Times, Kamis (17/2/2011).

Agensi luar angkasa Jepang, JAXA, tengah mempertimbangkan mengirim robot ke stasiun luar angkasa internasional untuk mengawasi pekerjaan, sementara para astronot tidur.

Selain itu, robot tersebut juga bisa memonitor kesehatan astronot dan tingkat stress, serta berkomunikasi dengan bumi melalui situs mikroblog Twitter.

Rencana itu diutarakan JAXA pekan ini. Mereka berharap bisa mengirimkan robot yang bisa berkomunikasi dengan pusat melalui Twitter, terutama untuk mengirimkan foto. Robot tersebut juga bisa menjadi teman serta memberikan rasa nyaman kepada astronot.

Menyusul program 'Robonaut' R-2 dari NASA, yang rencananya akan diluncurkan melalui pesawat ulang-alik Discovery pekan depan, android Jepang ini diharapkan menjadi bagian besar dari upaya penciptaan robot yang bisa digunakan warga senior.

source  : okezone

Review: AHA Vibe, Modem dan MP3 Player

BAKRIE Connectivity terus berusaha menjadi yang terdepan
di tengah persaingan provider internet. Beberapa waktu lalu, Bakrie Connectivity memperkenalkan USB modem terbaru, AHA Olive VME 150, yang menggabungkan empat fungsi: modem, MP3 player, radio dan Dictaphone atau alat perekam.

Okezone mencoba mengupas kelebihan dan kekurangan USB modem yang akan resmi diluncurkan Februari mendatang dengan banderol Rp699 ribu


Seperti Olive VME 110 yang telah dikeluarkan sebelumnya, desain VME 150 sangat praktis (78x25x10mm) untuk dibawa kemanapun.

Desain VME 150 tidak jauh berbeda dengan pendahulunya, kecuali modem anyar ini memerlukan kabel data untuk menghubungkannya dengan komputer anda.

Meskipun memiliki empat fungsi sekaligus, desain VME 150 sangat sederhana dan tidak menyulitkan user untuk mengoperasikannya. Untuk mengganti fungsi MP3 player, radio dan Dictaphone, cukup menekan tombol yang terdapat di sisi modem selama beberapa detik.

Kecepatan Modem

Teknologi EVDO yang diusung AHA Vibe VME 150 memungkinkan user menikmati kecepatan internet hingga mencapai 3,1 Mbps. Saat Okezone menjajal modem tersebut, memang tidak butuh waktu lama untuk membuka halaman situs yang dituju, sehingga pengalaman berselancar di internet menggunakan VME 150 pun terbilang nyaman.

Ketika Okezone mencoba melakukan streaming, hasilnya pun cukup memuaskan. Memang, beberapa kali sempat terjadi proses buffering yang sedikit mengganggu, namun secara keseluruhan, VME 150 lebih cepat dari modem-modem lain yang pernah Okezone jajal.

Meski begitu, VME 150 masih memiliki kelemahan karena Okezone beberapa kali mengalami disconnect saat keadaan cuaca di luar tidak terlalu bagus.

Aplikasi AHA Vibe

Alasan mengapa VME 150 dibanderol cukup mahal adalah karena user diberikan fasilitas mengunduh lagu, lokal maupun internasional, dari lima label musik terbesar Indonesia (Sony, Warner, Musica, Trinity dan Universal).

Untuk menikmati layanan itu, user tinggal mengklik aplikasi AHA Vibe yang tersedia setelah terhubung dengan komputer. Di sana, user bisa menjelajah catalog lagu dari berbagai genre.

Karena terbilang baru, wajar saja katalog lagu yang tersedia masih cukup terbatas. Jika anda pecinta musik internasional, anda mungkin akan sedikit kecewa dengan ketersediaan lagu-lagu mancanegara yang tidak sebanyak lagu lokal. Namun, Bakrie Connectivity menjanjikan untuk terus memperbarui katalog mereka.

Mengunduh lagu melalui AHA Vibe pun sangat mudah dan nyaman. User bisa terlebih dulu mendengarkan preview lagu sebelum memutuskan untuk mengunduh lagu. Okezone cukup terkesan dengan kecepatan mengunduh lagu yang hanya membutuhkan waktu 30 detik hingga satu menit, sama seperti yang dijanjikan Bakrie Connectivity.

Kualitas Suara

Untuk menunjang fungsi MP3 player dan radio, Bakrie Connectivity melengkapi VME 150 dengan earphone. Tapi, jika anda benar-benar penggila musik, mungkin anda akan sedikit kecewa dengan kualitas suara yang dihasilkan earphone tersebut. (srn)

sulit dipercaya manuasia inggris menggunakan tengkorak untuk minum

   Manusia Inggris pada zaman es menggunakan tengkorak manusia untuk minum. Mereka juga kemungkinanmemakan daging serta sumsum tulang. Namun diyakini manusia dari zaman es ini bukan manusia barbar.
     Ini adalah kesimpulan dari para peneliti yang memelajari tengkorak tiga kepala manusia yang disebut “mangkuk dari tengkorak”, yang ditemukan di sebuah gua bagian barat daya Inggris.

   Para ilmuwan mengatakan, mereka adalah mangkuk tengkorak tertua, yang diperkirakan berusia sekitar 14.700 tahun. Ilmuwan Inggris menulis dalam jurnal Public Library of Science, alasan kredibel atas pembuatan cangkir itu adalah manusia purba menggunakannya untuk menampung cairan.    Dan jika manusia pemburu dan peramu ingin makan otak dari orang mati, ada cara yang jauh lebih mudah untuk mendapatkannya. Dua mangkuk yang ditemukan terbuat dari tengkorak orang dewasa dan satu lagi dari tengkorak anak yang diperkirakan berusia tiga tahun.    Namun para ahli percaya, mangkuk kuno ini digunakan dalam kegiatan ritual. “Ada kemungkinan, ini adalah bagian dari kegiatan ritual simbolik dan tidak hanya untuk kebutuhan,” ujar penulis utama penelitian, Sylvia Bello seperti dikutip Huffington Post, Sabtu 
  (19/2/2011).    Dia menambahkan, artefak menunjukkan bagaimana keterampilan manusia purba memanipulasi tubuh manusia. Praktek menggunakan tengkorak manusia sebagai cangkir atau mangkuk telah didokumentasikan dalam banyak kebudayaan.    Bahkan dalam beberapa kasus, cangkir dari tengkorak dihias dengan rumit dan digunakan untuk menghiasi kuil dan dalam upacara keagamaan. Praktek ini didokumentasikan sejarawan Yunani, Herodotus pada abad kelima Sebelum Masehi.    Tapi kata para peneliti, tiga mangkuk dari tengkorak yang ditemukan di sebuah gua di Inggris ini merupakan satu-satunya contoh dari Kepulauan Inggris.

source  : Okezone

Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

The Bandas: Beautiful Nutmeg Islands

Isolated from the rest of Central Maluku, the dozen little volcanic islands that make up the Banda archipelago are the most wanted tourist destination in the whole of Maluku. Fortunately, most wanted doesn't equal most visited in this case, as these pretty little islets remain somewhat time-consuming to reach which keeps the crowds away.
History alone could be a major attraction here. While the islands of North Maluku made their empires trading their cloves, Banda used to be the World's only source of good quality nutmeg. No sultanates and empires were made of it here though, trade was in the hands of a number of local "orang kaya", and the spices were traded for such basic necessities of life as foodstuff from the neighbouring islands and clothing from further west. Until the Europeans arrived, that is. When the Dutch took control of the Bandas, they were so ruthless about getting the whole business to themselves that they simply massacred the entire native population, with the few survivors fleeing to the Kei Islands where their descendants live today. So keen were the Dutch to control all of Banda, that in what seems to be a truly unbelievable act today, they traded away the island of Manhattan (yes, THAT Manhattan!) to the British in exchange for the last remaining island yet to come under their rule: Run. Once the locals were out of their way, the islands were repopulated with slaves from Sulawesi and Java, whose descendants live here today, and the local Dutch competed with each other in building more and more impressive residences to themselves. Banda's once unique nutmeg has long lost its high value, and today the islands have become a quiet backwater. While this may not make the locals happy, it also means that they have been spared from the evils of modern development, and colonial architecture, largely gone from bustling Ternate and Ambon, remains impressively well-preserved here.
Colonial architecture and all the scenic beauty - Banda even has its own active volcano - could well be enough to draw the tourists here, but to top all that, the surrounding seas harbour some of the richest marine life in all Indonesia. Coral reefs here are largely undamaged by dynamite-fishing, lots of large pelagic fish swim by, and visibility can reach 30-40 metres. Snorkellers can see more here than divers elsewhere! Add to this the fact that budget accommodation in Banda, often in old, stylish colonial homes, is some of the cheapest and yet best in Maluku, and you will quickly see the appeal of these islands.
Getting There

By air
In late June 2010, the air service from Ambon and Masohi to Bandaneira was handed over by the horribly unreliable Merpati  airline to a new private operator, NBA. The frequency of flights from Ambon has been increased to twice a week (Wednesday and Saturday as of latest, but check in Ambon!) with Masohi being served on Wednesdays only. It remains to be seen if these new services last, but for now, they make getting to Banda by air a far more reliable option than it has been for many years!

By sea
About three Pelni ships are scheduled to stop at Bandaneira. The most reliable Ciremai leaves Ambon every 2 weeks or so , usually returning 2-3 days later. So if depending on this ship, you stay either 2-3 days in the Bandas before returning to Ambon, or 2 weeks before continuing to the Keis. The Ciremai's last sailing from Ambon to Banda I checked was  scheduled for 2nd January 2011 - after that keep adding 2 weeks, and pray it still runs on schedule. The rather erratic Kelimutu  runs only once every 4 weeks. The 3rd boat that started serving Banda  in 2010 is the Tatamailau, but by December Pelni schedules indicated the much nicer Nggapulu stopping at Banda (instead?). Try to check the latest  on
A small, private boat named Gravila (shown on lower photo) has also started running to Banda from the smaller Slamet Riyadi harbour in Ambon in late 2009, roughly once every 2-4 weeks to no relible schedule - it remains to be seen if this service lasts. While the Gravila's sailings can not be calculated in advance, if you manage to catch it, combining it with the Pelni service may allow you to stay longer than 2-3 days but less than 2 weeks in Banda. After its trip to Banda, this ship goes from Ambon to Obi (only) in North Maluku - a potentially interesting way to link the 2 regions.
There are also occasional boats from Seram, with no predictable schedules.

source :