Minggu, 20 Februari 2011

For 4 Year Men This Save Knife in the Head

BEIJING - A Chinese patient who complained of head pain and sensory perasanya disturbed. Upon inspection it turns out her store along the four-inch knife, or approximately 10 centimeters, embedded in his face.

When investigated, Li Fu was not aware there was a knife embedded in his face for four years. It is estimated that the knife was planted when he was experiencing incidents of robbery, while working a taxi driver.

Xu Wen doctor who examined the condition of Li Fu Yu of Xi City Hospital stated, "we were surprised to see that long knife embedded in his face."

"Even we were more surprised to learn knife blade had been embedded in over four years. Seeing him live safely is very impressive," said Dr Xu was quoted as saying Orange, on Thursday (02/17/2011).

After undergoing surgery, health improvement center Li unknown. The knife was known to have pressed the root of tongue, muscle and a small part of his brain. The operation lasted even hard for four hours

source  : okezone

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